WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Does CBD Vape Get You High?

High levels of cannabidiol, or CBD for short, are present in the cannabis plant. The numerous and potent therapeutic effects of CBD have caused its use to skyrocket in popularity in recent years. CBD doesn’t cause a “high” like the more notorious cannabinoid found in marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), does. Because of this, CBD is typically much less strictly regulated than the entire cannabis plant or extracts that contain THC. The “high” that most cannabis users seek is produced by THC. As a result, over the past few decades, growers and farmers have bred marijuana strains with rising THC concentrations. More recently, as the advantages of CBD have come to light, some growers have shifted to hemp, a different strain of the cannabis plant with very low THC levels, to produce CBD products. Given that CBD and THC are both extracted from the same plant, you might wonder if using CBD produces the same “high” as smoking marijuana, or even if it has any psychoactive effects at all.


Does CBD vape get you high?

Although CBD is frequently advertised as “non-psychoactive,” this is categorically false. A substance must influence the user’s mental state or their emotional state in order to be classified as psychoactive. Although not always, psychoactive substances can make you feel drunk. THC and CBD both have the psychoactive property of changing how a person feels, but CBD does not cause intoxication like THC does. THC has a significant impact on a user’s overall mood and sense of well-being. THC use can cause euphoria, relaxation, changes in thought, and a change in how one perceives time and space. THC use frequently improves the enjoyment of music, food, and conversation, but it can occasionally have unintended side effects. Contrarily, CBD has a more subtle, occasionally imperceptible psychotropic effect. The therapeutic benefits of CBD for chronic pain, inflammation, and insomnia are complemented by some mood-altering properties that can improve calmness and relaxation in general. Does CBD cause a “high” then? Not precisely. Although it does have some psychoactive effects, they are much less intense than THC’s. As CBD is not typically tested for by drug testing programs, you can use CBD products without worrying about how they will affect your professional life as long as you are careful about where you buy them.

How does CBD work?

Every thought, emotion, and desire you will ever have is produced by a highly sophisticated and intricately coordinated system of hormones, endocrines, nerves, and receptors inside of each and every one of us. Different endocrine systems carry out their own unique functions. The endocannabinoid system is one of these, and it has an impact on a variety of bodily functions including mood, pain, hunger, and more. The CB1 and CB2 receptors, along with other endogenous cannabinoids, neurotransmitters, and particular enzymes, make up the endocannabinoid system. The structures of our endogenous cannabinoids are partially mimicked by cannabinoids like CBD and THC. As a result, they bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors differently. These exogenous (produced outside the body) cannabinoids have a wide range of effects and modulate a number of bodily functions. Users of cannabis frequently describe getting the stereotypical “munchies” feeling. One example of how these exogenous cannabinoids affect processes within us is the feeling of extreme hunger that frequently follows cannabis use, known as the “munchies.” THC and CBD both function as effective analgesics, which means that they lessen pain. We’ll go into more detail below, but CBD has also been shown to have a ton of other advantageous effects.

How does using CBD feel?

Relaxation is by far the most frequent side effect associated with CBD use. Both physical aches and mental strains and anxieties may seem to be lessened. Others may simply experience a lack of the unpleasant things that were previously present in their conscious awareness as the feeling. An established anti-inflammatory effect of CBD may help explain in part why users frequently report feeling good after consuming it. THC levels in CBD extracts are typically under 0.3%. Contrast this with CBD flower, a variety of hemp grown to concentrate CBD and minimize THC, which can still have a significant amount of the latter to cause a noticeable euphoric high. Users should be cautious about the CBD products they consume if they want to avoid any intoxicating effects.

How do you take CBD?

The bioavailability and rate of absorption of CBD vary depending on the method of consumption. More of the consumed CBD substance is absorbed when vaping or smoking CBD products because they cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the bloodstream much more quickly than other methods. Allowing CBD to pass through the oral mucosa is a slightly slower, but still effective and manageable, method of CBD administration. The best way to do this in practice is to place a small amount of CBD tincture under your tongue and hold it there as long as you can. This method of sublingual dosing isn’t quite as quick to take effect as smoking or vaping, but it’s still fairly quick. The method with the longest onset time is ingesting CBD orally as capsules or edibles.

Post time: Nov-02-2023