WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Unlocking the Brilliance of Liquid Diamonds Weed: A Comprehensive Guide


In the world of cannabis extracts, a fascinating innovation has taken center stage – Liquid Diamonds Weed. This unique concoction combines the solid allure of THCa diamonds with the liquid richness of live resin sauce, creating a product that is as visually stunning as it is enjoyable to consume. In this blog post, we will delve into the process of making liquid diamonds, explore various types of cannabis extracts, and understand why liquid diamonds are gaining popularity over traditional distillates.

How liquid diamonds weed is crafted?

To grasp how liquid diamonds weed is crafted, it’s essential to comprehend the process behind live resin extraction. Live resin, also known as cannabis concentrate, is made using fresh, frozen plants. By utilizing this method, the plant’s natural essence, including the entourage effect, flavor, and aroma, remains intact since the plants have not been cured or heated.

The extraction process involves flash freezing the live plants using liquid nitrogen or dry ice, effectively preserving the vibrant, bold terpene expression. The next step is to separate the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids from the frozen trichomes. This process differs from conventional extraction methods, where dried and cured plants are used.

Growing Diamonds

The fascinating growth of diamonds occurs during the crystallization process after butane extraction. When a small amount of solvent is left in the extract and allowed to purge for at least 48 hours, THCa crystallizes spontaneously, resulting in a supersaturated sauce fraction.

The live resin consists of THCa diamond extract and a terpene-rich “sauce” fraction. While sauce fractions typically contain 30% to 40% dissolved THCa and a strain-specific mix of terpenes, diamonds are usually composed of 95% to 99% THCa. The diamonds are then separated from the sauce, ready to undergo decarboxylation to transform THCa into its active form, THC.

After decarboxylation, the diamonds are reintroduced to the live resin sauce in liquid form, resulting in the purest vape oil, perfect for packaging.

Understanding Cannabis Extracts

Cannabis extracts come in various forms, named based on their textures, ranging from liquid oil to drier, crumbly consistencies. Some popular cannabis extracts include Crumble, Wax, Shatter, and Budder. Additionally, extracts can be categorized based on the specific extraction method used, such as Live Resin, ISO Hash, Butane Hash Oil (BHO), CO2 Oil, and Tincture.

How to Use Cannabis Extracts?

Most cannabis extracts are dabbed using a dab rig and a heat source. Users vaporize the extract by placing it on the heated nail of the dab rig and inhale the potent vapor through a water pipe. Extracts like tinctures can be ingested, drank, or taken sublingually, offering a more user-friendly consumption method.

Liquid Diamonds vs. Live Resin and Distillate

Liquid diamonds offer a more potent and flavorful experience compared to distillates. While live resin retains a lot of terpenes, distillates lack both terpenes and flavor due to the fractional short-path distillation process. In contrast, liquid diamonds combine the terpene-rich qualities of live resin with the high purity and potency of THCa diamonds.

Liquid Diamonds Attributes

Liquid diamonds have an appearance similar to ultra-clear distillate, with a thick, pale yellow, liquid texture. They typically contain around 0-10% terpenes and boast a total THC content of over 97%, making them highly potent and versatile for various uses.

Uses of Liquid Diamonds

Liquid diamonds find their primary use in vape cartridges due to their already activated THC form and flowable liquid state. They also serve as a potent ingredient for infusing joints and edibles, delivering a nearly pure THC experience without any other trace cannabinoids.

Why Liquid Diamonds Are Better than Distillate

Liquid diamonds are unequivocally superior to distillate due to their higher purity and potency, boasting a total THC content of over 97%. This makes them a top choice for those seeking the most potent THC vapes and a more manageable formulation process for manufacturers.


Liquid diamonds weed represents a remarkable marriage of solid THCa diamonds and liquid live resin sauce, resulting in a visually appealing and delightful cannabis extract. As the demand for high-potency and flavorful products continues to grow, liquid diamonds are gaining popularity over conventional distillates. So, whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a curious newcomer, exploring the brilliance of liquid diamonds weed is an experience worth savoring.

Post time: Jul-28-2023